Check, check, check it out if you are near your computer and love the art of spoken word or poetry. Hey, maybe you'll decide to host your own show on Blog Talk Radio one day too. Pam Osbey is a spoken word artist, poet, author, enterpreneur, workshop facilitator, and hosts her own show "Literary Pizzazz" on Blog Talk Radio. You can visit her website, read her biography and check out her books at her webswite at Osbey Books.
Still celebrating National Poetry Month Pam Osbey will feature another great spoken word artist whom I've mentioned on my blog before, Christopher D. Sims a.k.a. UniverSouLove. I rock on to his underground classic, and it is underground, "1987". If you are a hip hop fan you can't help it. Check out his sounds at his myspace website. Below is the detailed information regarding the show. Remember you must register with Blog Talk Radio first, log in, and then call in if you have questions or comments. Peace and Blessings for now folks.
Blog Talk Radio Feature
Join UniverSouLove on
Pam Osbey's Blog Talk Radio Show
"Literary Pizzazz"
Monday, April 27th, 2009
8 p.m. Central Time
Call in number is: (646) 478-5460
8 pm Central Time
Pam Osbey's Blog Talk Radio
New version Grow me a new spine
Grow me a new spine
Oh Lord, won’t you please grow me a new spine
I’d feel oh so fine
My other spine’s a mess, no longer works fine
Give me cages wit...
8 months ago
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