Drop me a line at brownsugatou@gmail.com if you have a website, blog, poetry or spoken word event that you would like for me to share. This space is waiting for you... it needs you!
Mac N' Chesse
All words written, experienced, cried over, rewrote, and crumbled up by brownsugatou. In other words, you can go straight to my poetry by clicking here. Come on...
brownsugatou's song lyrics
This is a song I wrote, entitled: "Crazy In Love With You: Poetry Is A Song". It's honest and it's real. If you are interested in performing/purchasing these lyrics please e-mail me at: brownsugatou@gmail.com.
New version Grow me a new spine
Grow me a new spine
Oh Lord, won’t you please grow me a new spine
I’d feel oh so fine
My other spine’s a mess, no longer works fine
Give me cages wit...
Poolhouse Poolhouse
Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary backyard stone and rectangular
natural pool house remodel #round wall mirror, #dining room table wood,
Happy birthday, Peter Tosh!
*Peter Tosh* (October 19, 1944 – September 11, 1987) was the guitarist in
the original Wailing Wailers, a pioneer reggae musician, and a trailblazer
for ...
Tha Carter V Lil Wayne @liltunechi
Listen to Tha Carter V Here!!
YOU can submit to X3 RADIO too! Shoot content to thex3experiment@gmail.com.
Be sure to include pics, content, & links!(646) ...
Memorial Weekend at Val Verde, Ca
One of the best things happened to me! I was able to fullfill a bucket
list dream which was to put on a community Music and Cultural Festival.
Although th...
egun ex machina
dont mind me. just passing through myself....
cleant out all these old spells / growing new ones....
consider it a blog reboot, i guess. an egun ex machina.
This Sunday's Reflection... (04-03-16)
I have had what I thought was a cold for 2+ weeks. I didn't call off work.
However, I was 1 minute late 3 days in a row. I...
[[ This is a content summa...
I've asked myself a millions questions this evening. As I watch the
newsfeed on my computer (because I HATE watching the news), reading various
Old men should be explorers (Eliot)
Look up, look up, the sun is out;
an Autumn morning lightens.
The duvet’s warm a pillow soft
but birds are busy - piping.
Who cares how come a new sun bur...
Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Jai Davis Fight like a Girl!
*By Contributing Editor, Shelby Johnson*
*There’s something to be said about a woman who is powerf...
D-Natural: M.I.A.
What's up world ?!?!?
Yeah, I know, it's been awhile since my last post here....
However, the things I mentioned in my last post "Update" are really st...
The Criminalization Of Black Youth And Behavior
This won't be a long post.
Can you now see how America, along with the help of mainstream media has
criminalized Black youth as well as what can be conside...
Rotten Fruit
He places me in timeout in my fragile state
So he can watch my abused body crumble to pieces instead of holding me
together when I needed him most.
I am b...
Dream Sequence
Dream Sequence
The room is dimly lit
Sweet aroma encases me
My heart rate increases
Carnal desire intensified
All senses are being touched
We enter…ano...
The "N" FL- Word Debate!
It's amazing to me that with all of the ills that plague the country that
the NFL is seriously debating legislating the use of the N-Word during
Every Flower Is The Rose
Lovers jump into bed without thinking. That's the only way it can be done.
A cup that was spilling over still wanted more.
We all talk to ourselves. Thos...
Poetry By The Bay's 5 Year Anniversary!!
Good afternoon poets and lovers of the art,
In August 2013 *Poetry By The Bay* will be celebrating our five year
anniversary! This is a perfect time to sa...
Thanks for being my toilet.
Yip toilette, WC, bog, shanks, fart-catcher. That thing that carries away
all our shit and takes it... somewhere? Don't really need to know precisely
Meadows & Half Drawn Angels
*This will probably be my last posting at Modernity’s Muse. You can now
check me out here. I would like to thank all of the folks who’ve stumbled
upon m...
The Onyx Lounge: Khary "Mr. Right"
Watch Khary "Mr. Right"
Trust me you don't wanna miss it!
*I just want to ask YOU one question today:*
*Do YOU think Music is HUGE?*
Leave YOUR C...
Love Unfound (& Lost).
I am no respecter of age
But I do respect your soul,
You moved upon me gently
Across my rivers
With ripples of emotions:
Confusion of
Weeping and joy.
wild wind blows free
wild wind gushes
wild and free happily
don’t try to stop
let her blow freely.
she does not exists
in confinement of walls
her very being resists
Its funny how, nowadays, people always seem to break up;
Falling in and out of love… with very little intentions to make up;
I give you these words to let y...
stronger than silent 'e'
baby's asked me to create a new flier for her and i started thinking about
using an image of letterman (electric company, not david) for it... but
then i g...
A New Day
*To Mac's cherished readers and fellow bloggers:*
While living life to it's fullest, Mac always had an optimistic view for
tomorrow. "Tomorro...
FunkTheFormula Get's It's First Online Coverage!
So our good friend, dope radio personality (host of RiseUp Radio) and
journalist, Ms. TastyKeish, provided us with our first online blog coverage
of Funkth...
I have a new Blog
Hello Everyone! I've decided to combine my three blogs here at Google into
one blog and move over to Wordpress. My new blog is called Anna Renee Is
Still T...
I have a new Blog
Hello Everyone! I've decided to combine my three blogs here at Google into
one blog and move over to Wordpress. My new blog is called Anna Renee Is
Damu the Fudgemunk
*This is why Youtube is so fantastic. As I was searching around for beat
makers on the M.P.C i came across this dude named Damu the Fudgemunk, who
I thin...
Air Your Dirty Laundry At Home
We all have fears, and insecurities, lost hopes and dreams, that we don’t
allow most people in on. We aren't perfect, we have faults and warts, we
would ra...
Teardrops Inspiration: Letting Go
Sometimes, we have to let go of people, situations, a bad investment, bad
habits, even our dreams if they’re not in alignment with our purpose. It’s
not ea...
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