When my eyes gaze upon your skyline,
I see a lonely mustard colored high rise
In a city NOT anew with cultural advancement,
An overflowing cup of diversity,
And a welcome mat for the
Brown, Black, and Black As Blue.
When my eyes gaze upon your skyline,
I see a lonely mustard colored high rise,
In a city who's long lost twin
Could be Oakland, L.A., or New York City.
Different heat but still,
The same crime ridden skin.
Less opportunity with only
A "handful" of opportunities.
Must be highly skilled and educated
In the areas of oil, farming,
And agriculture. Who you KNOW is preferrable.
When my eyes gaze upon your skyline,
I see a lonely mustard colored high rise
In a city geographically too big for it's britches,
Wearing an antiquated bus system.
Damn public transportation for the rich.
Keep the hood pregnant with buses running daily.
When my eyes gaze upon the skyline and
I see your lonely mustard colored high rise,
I envision the beautiful potential of what
This city could be.
Copyright 2009
C. Thomas a.k.a. brownsugatou
New version Grow me a new spine
Grow me a new spine
Oh Lord, won’t you please grow me a new spine
I’d feel oh so fine
My other spine’s a mess, no longer works fine
Give me cages wit...
8 months ago
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