I used to be WHOLEHEARTEDLY supported
By DYSFUNCTIONALISM - that’s my fam!
And, yes I still give a damn.
Had my ear to the streets, BEEF,
Love/Love-me-not, knowledge and wisdom.

My heart used to beat box to the
Tune of yours, ours, with OTHERS.
I was quiet, COOL, calm, and

What happened to me?

In this new shit - my new ENVIRONMENT,
Class, "face", and race are more
Important than your generosity
And your POTENTIAL for greatness.
I let it BEAT me down.

I now question GOD about
Who’s showing up in my life?
(Audacity at its worse.)
When the toughest challenge
Is finding my CAST in HIS haystack.

What happened to me?
Seriously what HAPPENED to ME?

I spent seven years NOT taking
A hard look at MYSELF.
And I spent SEVEN years NOT
Reaching back, NOT giving back,
And NOT looking back (word to Lauryn)
That shaped the UNBREAKABLE me -
That I used to KNOW.

What happened to ME?

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Saturday, July 24, 2010 Posted in | , | 5 Comments »

In a world without He,
Who'd roam the cells of
My thick brown skin,
With those sexy eyes,
Over and over again?

In a world without He,
Who'd gaze at me covertly
As I delicately Picasso my lips...
Mmmmm imagine us interlocked
In a honey brown kiss.

In a world without He,
Who'd mentally rip off my
Baggy grey sweats and
Visualize my soft brown thighs?
The accent of my curvaceous hips?
While entertaining thoughts of my
Sweet potatoe pie?

In a world without He,
Who'd explore the joys of
Karma Sutra with me?
Or the physical pleasure
Of procreating with me?

In a world without He...
I'd lament, cry foul,
And become recklessly weak...

I could never conceive of my
Feminine world remaining
Balanced without He.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010 Posted in | , , | 5 Comments »

My uncle sent me a version of this heartfelt message a few minutes ago. Yep, it made me look. Made me think about some amends that I can fine tune in my life. What about you? That friend that calls you more often than you call them, not saying I love you to those that don't hear it enough (its never enough), and just not simply sharing yourself with others. You never know who needs a hug or a hello or who may benefit from your kind words... from your spoken word or poetry. Don't hide love. Read. Read and Share. Read, Share and take Action

I don't know who the author is but if anyone can shed some light on the origins of this message, please let me know. However, I found this version on the internet by doing a Google search.

"Life is important, Love is important, Tomorrow is

never promised..........

One day a woman's husband died, and on that clear, cold
morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was
struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't
"anymore". No more hugs, no more special moments to
celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more
‘just one minute..’ Sometimes, what we care about the most
gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we
can say good-bye, and say ‘I love you.’
So while we have it, it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when
it's broken and heal it when it's sick. This is true for
marriage......And old cars... And children with bad report
cards, and dogs with bad hips, and aging parents and
grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it,
because we are worth it.

Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away
or a close friend after divorce. There are just some things
that make us happy, no matter what.
Life is important, like people we know who are special, and
so we keep them close!

I received this from someone who thought I was a 'keeper'!
Then I sent it to the people I think of in the same way. Now
it's your turn to send this to all those people who are
"keepers" in your life, including the person who sent it, if
you feel that way. Suppose one morning you never wake
up. Do all your friends and family know you love them?
I was thinking...I could die today, tomorrow or next week,
and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed,
relationships that needed rekindling, those three words
needing to be said.

Let every one of your friends and family know you love
them. Even if you think they don't love you back, you
would be amazed at what those three little words and a
smile can do. And just in case I'm gone tomorrow....
Live today because tomorrow is not promised …"

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Saturday, July 17, 2010 Posted in | , | 1 Comments »

Yep, that Floacist! One half of the duo that makes up Floetry with Marsha Ambrosious (the Songstress). (Floetic, Flo'ology) She's now embarking on her own solo career. Why not share in her new artistic journey.... listen and download. This was previously shared on Twitter by someone on twitter, so I'm most definitely NOT taking the credit for this one. Please enjoy!

<a href="http://thefloacist.bandcamp.com/album/the-floacist-presents-spoken-soul">Life in 3D by The Floacist</a>

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Friday, July 16, 2010 Posted in | , | 0 Comments »

I remember when my late grandmother use to sing this song - Sunday morning/Sunday afternoon, hot kitchen, yellow painted walls, food on the stove... "If anybody asks you, where I'm going? Where I'm goooing, soooon.." R.I.P. Bishop Walter Hawkins.

Biography of Dr. Walter Hawkins from Love Center Ministries, Inc in Oakland, CA.

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Sunday, July 11, 2010 Posted in | , , | 0 Comments »

Okay, so while I am being patient with inspiration I decided to try one (well two) of those writing prompts and share with the world. Sometimes my ish just stinks but, my offline friends know that I'm the master of laughing at my shortcomings. These two prompts are from a website called "The Journal". The first poetry prompt was to write an Anaphora poem. "An Anaphora is "the repetition of a word or expression several times within a clause or within a paragraph". In poetry the repetition of the phrase can be just at the beginning of each line, setting the tone as a meditation or a mantra, or it can be utilized more subtlety within the poem. The poem can be free verse or prose style." This is what I came up with... I have to admit that I wasn't quite impressed at all as this untitled piece came off as more like a call and response piece.

I say I’m damaged goods,
(Damaged goods)
But I’m not for sale,
(No not for sale).

I was just clearing my throat…
While you embezzled my hope.
Actin’ like ya shit don’t stink.
Your love, loves back
Like a dead mink.

I say I’m damaged goods,
(Damaged goods)
But I’m not for sale,
(No not for sale)

You’re damaged goods
(Damaged goods)
Oh what a sale!
(What a sale!)
Sittin’ on the clearance rack
(Clearance rack)
You guessed it,
60 percent off
‘Cause your love is so wack!

This was more like having fun at being wack, but at the same time I was getting my "release" on. We can all relate to being "damaged goods", however I somewhat missed the mark here and created a corny chrous. I hate the feeling of attempting to write a poem that ends up with five different tree branches - basically I have to put more effort  and discipline into sticking to the theme of the poem as well as engaging the readers.

The second poetry prompt, was to write a free verse poem using "sparrows". *Sighs* I cheated and used the singular word sparrow - *Shaking my head.* And, I don't know, sometimes I believe having lived with an underground dirt hustler (underground rapper who manufactures his own shit) in my past,  I just can't hide the influence even when it sucks.

The vision of my future - so narrow.
Even when my grip is unclenched,
Pendulum swingin’ from this arrow,
I’m gone master this shit -
Raw turbulence can’t obliterate the
Momentum of this sparrow...

Stop the presses, I'm done! I've learned what I've always known - that I express myself better when I write what I truly feel. I'm a rookie poet, but I know I'm not alone here. To be confined by someone else's predetermined space and theme is still a challenge for me. No need to elaborate... this is for the rookie poets out there, I'm still trying.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010 Posted in | , | 3 Comments »

I'm still enjoying (and creating a new blog) during this 4 day weekend. This is a link to my latest blog "A Missed-educated Fan", my ode to the many talents of Lauryn Hill and her return - no matter how long it takes.

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Monday, July 5, 2010 Posted in | , | 0 Comments »

I always wondered what happened to this group after their brief series on BET. Brutha can sing to me anytime...

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Sunday, July 4, 2010 Posted in | , , | 0 Comments »

1. Drink responsibly, drive sober, and take somebody's keys away if need be.

2. Mind your own business: someone else's infidelity, poor cooking, bad ass kids and child discipline skills are NOT your demons. Just leave it alone!!!

3. On some days, your ish does stink, so bringing just yourself and empty hands to the BBQ is FOUL - stay home, watch a re-run of the BET Awards and channel Chris Brown - "I promise I won't let y'all down again."

4. Focus, focus, focus! Checking out the scene with one eye half way open & snickering in the moment for no apparent reason, while saying grace over the ribs is foul too. Think - choking on an unblessed rib vs. licking BBQ sauce off your fingers with a peace of mind? Sorry, Allstate don't have ya' back here!

5. And last but not least embrace without reservation! - If Grannie's hair is dyed jet blue, Uncle Peanut is diggin' an alternate lifestyle, there's a sudden Kool-Aid shortage, Aunt Pam is creeping like a cougar and cousin Tammy is throwin' tofu on the grill - just shut up and thank God for the opportunity to share in their experiences.

Happy 4th of July ya'll! I'll let Tony Toni Tone close out my very brief rant with "The Blues". brownsugatou wants you to spend time with you too.... but please "be nice or leave."

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Saturday, July 3, 2010 Posted in | , , | 0 Comments »

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