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Sang It!
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"It only comes through me. It is meant to be shared with as many as it can reach." - Dwayne Morgan
"The most beautiful expression of art that one could give to a woman/to women." - brownsugatou, regarding The Sum of Her Parts Photo Poem
Hailing from Toronto, Canada, Dwayne Morgan is a poet, writer, performer, producer, entrepreneur, photographer and founder of the entertainment company, Up From The Roots. For more information please visit:
Up From The Roots
(Really, there is a whole lot more to this talented and extraordinary individual. This ain't the end... the pages of brownsugatou is looking to explore more from Dwayne Morgan.)
Contact Information:
e-mail -
Facebook -
ReverbNation -
Website -

- Lucille Sayles Clifton
This is the quote that I always reflect upon on when I start feeling that what I express in my poetry might be a little too "crazy". Expressing ourselves is a gift. We turn it on and turn it off when we want to and no one can ever take that away. Thank you for expressing yourself and sharing your profound written legacy - Lucille. Sayles. Clifton.
"Homage To My Hips"
"won't you celebrate with me"
More on Lucille Clifton:
"My Sassy Lucille" - A poem dedicated to Lucille Clifton by the late and great Mr. Mac Walton.
“The same whom create, is the same whom will destinate”.
- Jonathan Anthony Burkett
At an early age this young man came face-to-face with… became close friends with… and “divorced” his own darken ashes. When most children his age were being nurtured by the very person who gave them life, Jonathan Anthony Burkett was busy fighting the woman who didn’t want him to have “life”, not a life but “life” for her own son. Is this not the epitome of adversity? You NEED to read his autobiography to find out. Despite setbacks early in his childhood, Mr. Burkett is now a determined young man who wants to inspire others with his story. He now the author of three books, "Living An Broken Hearted Life", “Autobiography of Jonathan Anthony Burkett, My Life, My Story” and “Friends 2 Lovers” which are all available online at
brownsugatou came across Mr. Burkett’s Facebook page several months ago. And after reading what he shared about his amazing life (think about Tyler Perry's darken ashes)… I thought “this guy definitely has a story to tell!” because someone out there “needs” his story. So, today brownsugatou, gives you a Q & A with author, poet, and survivor, Jonathan Anthony Burkett.
Q: When and where were you born?
A: I was born February 1, 1987 in Miami, FL.
Q: Use one word to describe Jonathan Anthony Burkett?
A: Determined.
Q: I’ve read your bio, which details the challenges that you’ve faced in life and we know there are always more (challenges) to come. But, tell us, what inspired you to write?
A: I’ve had a psychiatrist, therapist, psychologist , and many others tell me that if I continued to hold on to my past nothing else but more trouble will come to my life. However, if I learned to forgive and let go of all past nothing else but more trouble will come into my life. However, if I learned to forgive and let go of all that I kept questioning myself about, my life would get better and one of the best ways would be to talk it all out with someone, (all that was troubling my mind). But, I didn’t want to so I asked myself… how else could I do it and I decided to write a book about my life the same way how I loved to write poetry because as I child I’ve always loved writing poetry. And I knew that it would be very inspiring and encouraging to many others out there in life that’s going many of the troubles and struggles that I’ve been through as a child.
Q: What is your relationship like now with your mother? Or do we need to wait for your autobiography to publish to find out?
A: My autobiography is published now and my relationship with my mother right now... I'm still trying to develop some kind of connection with her to show her that I have forgiven and wish to move on from the past and also that I do kind of understand what was wrong with her but I didn't like how she handled the problem and didn't seek help.
Q: When you first started writing, did you make a transition from writing poetry to books (or vice versa) or did your start doing both initially?
A: I first started writing poetry when I was a child because I loved reading poetry more than books and then after one of my middle school teachers had got me into writing short stories, so I must say that she was someone else that inspired me to become a writer in my life. Also, it was called a miracle by many that when I took the state test me and another boy scored the highest grade in writing.
Q: Your bio mentions that you held back from obtaining your GED/High School Diploma because all the problems you were facing. What was the defining moment that mad you “get up” and enroll in school, not just think about it, but take action? I ask this question because I work with adults who put off obtaining their High School Diploma or GED for years but finally get it done.
A: I learned that education is the best way to go to become someone great in life, and not only for a career but it also strengthens in your mind so that when hard decisions come and challenge you, you’ll have a better mind of knowing how to deal with that problem the best way. However, I wasn’t able to finish class because I ended up becoming homeless again.
Q: Since the last time we touched bases, your book “Friends 2 Lovers” has been published. How does this make your feel and what has the response been like?
A: Great because I've achieved one of my goals, and everyone that has read my book loves it and can't wait for part two to come out.
Q: Aquarians are known for their friendship first approach when it comes to relationships. You are an Aquarian also, how much your Aquarian heart was put into “Friends 2 Lovers”?
A: One of the main characters in this book who's name is Claude has my personailty and how I would've dealed with every issue and problem that came up, and how he waited patiently, understanding why Kelly his best friend wasn't ready yet to begin something that had already started between them.
Q: Do you have any upcoming book tours planned?
A: At the moment I'm still on my own and I'm trying hard to begin doing book signings down here in south florida colleges and then hopefully start traveling from state to state when I come up with enough income.
Q: What advice would you give to young men who have experienced the same struggles that you have but have not come to grips with their experiences and may be dealing with it in a negative way?
A: Be strong and wise, seek help and guidance from someone older that has a strong understanding of how your feeling and about life. Talk to ministers, teachers, counselors, someone older that has experienced a great amount of lifes challenges. And that someone strong doesn't go looking back for revenge because it'll only result in more problems in life and whenever your ready face it, talk it out in a positive and mature way. Committing suicide might come up in your mind but remember you'll only be hurting yourself because you never know what the next open door in life would've hold for you. Most importantly always have faith in your father GOD because he's always by our side.
Q: What advice and words of encouragement would you give young authors and poets?
A: In the beginning its hard finding publishers and agents unless you already have contacts from friends family members bu7t still many do try hard enough and achieve before others. However never give up, keep your head up and focus mainly on achieving your goals. And to never let anything or anyone distract or tell you that you have no chance of achieving your goals in life.
Q: One year from now Jonathan Anthony Burkett will…?
A: Continue writing books, poetry, song lyrics and will be working on becoming not only a script writer but also a actor. I will also be taking part in talking to many young children and many others about trials/tribulations, having faith no matter what, and never giving up in life.
Q: Ten years from now Jonathan Anthony Burkett will…?
A: Write more books, acting, and helping as much people as I can to achieve dreams and more.
Q: One last question, tell the world ONE thing we don’t already know about Jonathan Anthony Burkett?
A: I am understanding.
From darken ashes to climbing the stairway to forgiveness, a silver lining can still shine through - understanding. On this Valentine's Day please share Mr. Burkett's experience with someone who "needs" his story.
Peace and blessings.

More on Jonathan Anthony Burkett:
Jonathan Anthony Burkett - Website
myspace - MySpace
Friends2Lovers Fan Club - Facebook
Friends2Lovers - Twitter
Books on Amazon:
"Autobiogrpahy of Jonathan Anthony Burkett, My Life, My Story" Xlibris Corporation, February 2009
"Friends 2 Lovers" Xlibiris Corporation, December 2009
"Living An Broken Hearted Life" - Author House, November 2007

Little Boy.
Ya’ mama shouldn’t
Hit you like that,
Little boy.
Wickedly intervenes,
With hopeful dreams…
Gets in between…
Romantic walks,
Kissed with sun beams.
Little boy.
Ya, mama shouldn’t
Hit you like that,
Is love? at its weakest.
© 2010
C. Thomas
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